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Members shall consist of Voting and Non-voting Members.
Voting members shall be divided into the following categories, namely:
RESIDENT MEMBERS - voting members residing within the State of Selangor Darul Ehsan and the Federal Territory.
OUTSTATION MEMBERS - voting members residing outside the State of Selangor Darul Ehsan and the Federal Territory.
ABSENT MEMBERS - voting members residing outside Malaysia.
LIFE MEMBERS - voting members elected pursuant to Rule 8.3 of the Club's Constitutional Rules
Persons other than voting members, admitted to the privileges, facilities and amenities of the club shall be called non-voting members. Non-voting members shall be divided into the following categories:
HONORARY MEMBERS - The General Committee may invite and admit any person to be an honorary member of the Club. Subject to the Rules and Byelaws of the Club, an honorary member and his family shall enjoy all amenities and facilities of the Club as a non-voting member but shall pay no entrance fee or subscription.
INVITED MEMBERS - The hospitality of the Club may be extended by the General Committee to distinguished persons to such extent and over such period as the General Committee may think fit.
CORPORATE MEMBERS - The General Committee may extend corporate rights to duly incorporated Corporations. These Corporations include incorporated companies with registered offices in and carrying on business in Malaysia and such other bodies as the General Committee may from time to time approve.
TEMPORARY MEMBERS - The General Committee may admit any person to membership of the Club under this or any other Rule as temporary members of the Club, upon being duly propose and seconded but the duration of such membership shall be for the period of six (6) months.
MEMBERS' SPOUSES & CHILDREN - Spouses and children of members who have been registered in accordance with the Byelaws of the Club shall be permitted to use the Clubhouse and its recreational and other facilities and activities or pastime promoted by the Club provided that any restriction applicable to or affecting such members of his spouses or children under any other Rule or Byelaw shall apply to such spouses and children.
LADY MEMBERS - The General Committee may in their discretion and subject as hereunder provided, admit ladies between the ages of 18 and 21 years provided that the lady is a child of a voting member who has or would have completed five (5) years of voting membership before the child attains the age of 21 years.
PROVISIONAL MEMBERS AWAITING ELECTION - A candidate pending election to voting membership or admission to lady membership shall be classified as a provisional member.
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